  • Capstone Case Team

    My Final Case Competition – Starbucks & Kombucha

    Somehow, I’ve already graduated from the University of Washington. Time flies, huh? Unlike a lot of other schools, we don’t do a final thesis or big essay to wrap up our time as an undergrad–  the business school puts on one big case competition that all graduating seniors are required…

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    Reflecting on ICC@M 2017

    Despite my experience in competing in numerous case competitions at UW, competing on a global scale is always quite the shock. Suddenly your competition comes from different professional, business, and educational backgrounds. Rather than competing against students who go through the same coursework and preparation as you, you’re in a…

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    Case Competition PowerPoint Design 101

    Every time I present publicly in a case competition, I get questions about what program I used to design the slide deck. To each person’s surprise, I use PowerPoint just like anyone else. People in the business world have a very specific idea of what PowerPoint slides look like. They…

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  • Holland America Line Case Competition 2015

    Holland America Line Case Competition 2015

    This past week, I competed in my first ever full-scale case competition. After spending so much time on DECA in high school, I knew case competitions would be something interesting to get involved with in college, but I never had a good chance my freshman year. I was never able…

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