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10 Things you Didn’t Buy on Amazon Prime Day

Amazon has already been getting a lot of complaints about Prime Day. For the past week, they’ve been blasting all advertising channels with promises of better deals than Black Friday, and the best shopping day of the summer. Other retailers have been threatened by the hype and launching their own sales to combat the madness, and avid-internet shoppers have been hawking over their computers for the past 24 hours. Well, it’s 17 into the day that we’ve all been waiting for, and the crowds are not happy. Things got weird.

To be fair, I did make a couple decent purchases today, but it was not what I expected at all. Check out these 10 things offered on Prime Day that you didn’t rush to add to your cart.

  1. Prenatal Pills. Yes, they are frequently purchased products by the pregnant population of the world, but did you really plan on purchasing them on Prime Day? This seemed like an odd one to be advertising as part of your Black Friday-esque sale.Screen Shot 2015-07-15 at 5.35.12 PM
  2. Power Ranger Costume. Don’t get me wrong — this suit is awesome — and I’m sure a lot of little boys got a sweet surprise today, but really, Amazon? I’m not sure people were waiting to jump on this offer when it came out.Screen Shot 2015-07-15 at 5.37.32 PM
  3. Snapchat Plush Toy. Okay, I’m not even sure why this is on Amazon at all, let alone a highlighted Prime Day deal. Do people really need this toy? Who is the target market? I have a lot of questions here.Screen Shot 2015-07-15 at 5.39.58 PM
  4. Cupping Therapy Set. I didn’t even know what this was. I had to click (very cautiously) to figure out why anyone would be excited by this deal. Apparently, its a form of therapy. “You Will LOVE How Cupping Makes You Feel and THE DRAMATIC RESULTS. Love our Cups or Money Back!” (actual quote).Screen Shot 2015-07-15 at 5.43.10 PM

  5. Colon Cleansing System. This one has pretty good reviews, and seems to be selling. That being said, not something I would’ve guessed to be a Prime Deal today. Screen Shot 2015-07-15 at 5.45.36 PM
  6. GOOP. Don’t you just love it when you’re in dire need of GOOP and it goes on sale on Prime Day? Again, had to read the description to figure out what this one was exactly. Screen Shot 2015-07-15 at 5.47.37 PM
  7. Dog Rehabilitation Sling. There’s a time and a place where this item is very necessary, and Amazon is there to save the day– but all the hype for this?Screen Shot 2015-07-15 at 5.50.40 PM
  8. Pet Tent. I guess your pets had a good Prime Day. Lots of new accessories for them– now your kittens can even have slumber parties! Unfortunately, I missed this deal so I wasn’t able to catch the price (sorry Fluffy).Screen Shot 2015-07-15 at 5.54.57 PM
  9. R2D2 Sports Helmet. Weird, but awesome. It’s an upcoming sale, so I haven’t seen the price yet, but it’s definitely a unique offer. Next time I see a kid at the skate park with this helmet, I’ll know he was surfing Prime Day too.Screen Shot 2015-07-15 at 5.57.23 PM
  10. Laser Infrared Thermometer. Just another thing you wouldn’t have expected, but I guess that’s what Amazon is for. Maybe you could order this in anticipation of some future use.Screen Shot 2015-07-15 at 6.01.53 PM


So there you have it. 10 things you really didn’t anticipate on Prime Day, and probably didn’t end up purchasing. That all being said, if you dig through the sales enough (and fight hard for the good ones), you’ll come out of it with some good deals. We’re all a little confused about some of the things Amazon had to offer today, but hey, who didn’t have a good laugh going through some of the offers?

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