  • Main Layer

    Journey Mapping

    How exactly can a business determine what they need to change about their product/service without knowing how the customers are currently reacting? They can’t. But customer journey maps make that easy. During my internship at Concur, I was introduced to the concept of a journey map used in a business…

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    0 3384
  • Infographic PowerPoint

    Easy Infographics.pptx

    One of my summer projects for the internship is to create an infographic. To familiarize me with the Concur style, my manager sent me a couple examples of past infographics they’ve sent out– one in particular we really liked and hoped to mock the style of with my project. After…

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    0 1893
  • Customer Experience

    Intro to Customer Experience

    “Welcome to Concur!” I’ve heard that a lot over the past couple weeks in my new internship at Concur Technologies, and I truly do feel welcomed. My first couple weeks on the job have been fantastic– I have a great team, and some fun projects for the summer. When I…

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