  • gsmarena_001

    Twitter Kills the Tweet

    For as long as Twitter has been around, there has been a strict 140-character limit. It’s what makes tweeting a “tweet”. Short, sweet, and to the point. Not to mention, you can spam your followers with random thoughts as much as your tweety heart desires, and no one will complain (because…

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  • Nature Valley 3 Generations

    Nature Valley’s 3 Generations

    Being in the transitional period between adolescence and adulthood, I see the “problems” of each generation very differently than those old enough to make the cut as adults, and young enough to be considered a child still. I’m constantly being bombarded by messages of the media claiming “my generation” is…

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  • Femvertising

    “Femvertising” – Inspiring Women Through Media

    It takes a lot for an advertisement to get real emotion out of their audience– a smile, a laugh, maybe even a tear or two. I can honestly say that over the past couple years, I’ve run into some very inspiring ads for female empowerment. These ads have made me…

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  • April Fools Day Ads

    Brands with Humor – April Fools’ Day 2015

    We all love someone with a good sense of humor, so why shouldn’t companies have one too? April Fools’ Day is full of harmless jokes and pranks from the ones we love– sometimes it’s frustrating, and sometimes you just want a piece of the action. But as a dutiful marketing…

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  • Reactive Marketing

    Reactive Social Marketing

    It’s become common knowledge that if your Twitter, Facebook and webpage aren’t constantly updated with the latest information, you are missing out on a huge amount of potential interaction with your consumer base; but even more than that, brands have recently been implementing an even more high-speed social media marketing strategy—reactive…

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  • Pinterest Blog

    The Power of Pinterest

    When it comes to social media marketing, people always think of Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These may have been the “Big 3” for the past several years, but Pinterest is making its way on the map. Pinterest may be the most effective way to reach an audience and convert those…

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